Tag Dark Ranger

John Barrymore February 19, 2024 6 minutes
In this blog post, the author provides an overview and initial impressions of the Dark Ranger Hero Talents for the Marksmanship Hunter in the upcoming expansion, The War Within. The post discusses the various talents and their potential impact on gameplay, as well as suggestions for improvements. The author, Azortharion, is an experienced Hunter player and offers insight based on their knowledge and expertise in the game.
John Barrymore February 17, 2024 5 minutes
In this blog post, the author provides an early review of the Dark Ranger Hero Talents for Beast Mastery Hunters in the upcoming War Within system. They analyze each talent in the tree, discussing their thematic elements, rewards, and potential gameplay implications.
John Barrymore February 07, 2024 4 minutes
Jellybeans interviews game producer George Velev and combat game designer Daniel Achterman about the upcoming Dark Ranger Hero Talent tree. Learn about the origins of the Dark Ranger, design choices and tuning, and how to provide feedback to Blizzard for a richer gaming experience.